Tailored management support for international development projects and grants
OrenDev Consulting can provide support in an entirely flexible way with your existing staff during particularly busy periods, to take on unexpected and demanding tasks which are related to grant management. We charge on a day rate basis and usually work remotely, or can come in to your offices for meetings dependent on location.
Proposal development
Including developing logframes, results frameworks and logic models etc., gathering information for, and drafting, narrative proposals.
Project set-up
Project set-up phases including co-ordination of stakeholder consultations and workshops, drafing inception reports and setting up administrative tools.
Day to day operations
Oversee and support workplan delivery ensuring strategic prioritisation, support project outputs, activities, processes and workstreams.
Budget and impact monitoring
Review your budget commitments and your impact targets to ensure you are on track to meet donor expectations.
Partnership management
Coordinate work, delivery and information sharing with your local and international partners and subcontractors.
Donor relationship management
Be a point of contact, or help to manage your donor. Provide information, reassurance and updates to them as needed.
Communications and knowledge management
Support the communications aspect of your work, including updating website content, events and managing social media.
Gather and anaylse information related to the project to help develop your work, and present those findings in a variety of formats.
Project governance support
Work with you to improve governance processes, whether internally at your organisation, or with donors and partners.